Friends of Thurston Library
The purpose of the Friends of Thurston Library is to provide support for the Library, helping to make it a hub for the community and raising funds so it is a really special place. We run many events and activities; everyone is welcome, whether or not a member of Suffolk Libraries.
Our aims are to
Who we are
Anyone is very welcome to join the Friends of Thurston Library, whether living in the village or not. Just let us know. Membership is free. We have a committee to run our events and activities: we would be delighted to see you. The officers are
Contact us
Please get in touch; we are always pleased to help
The story so far
We were set up in 2012, with the support of Thurston Parish Council. Richard Fawcett, as a Parish Councillor, was fundamental in setting up the group. The library is on the site of Thurston Community College and was a shared space with the 6th Form. Now that the local schools have become 2 tier, the 6th Form is located in Beyton.
We have successfully promoted the library and raised funds for its benefit.
For example, we have refurbished the library, decorating it, and providing mobile shelving that means we now have a very flexible space; we have bought computers to enable young people to take part in our Code Club and we believe we were the first library in the country to provide eReaders that can be borrowed by anyone at no cost. We are committed to the long-term life of the library as a very relevant part of our community.
Our events have included fundraising meals and a central role in the Thurston Christmas Tree Festival (along with St Peter’s Church in Thurston), day visits to London for a range of activities, talks and and music.
We contribute to the village newsletter every month to raise awareness of the library and encourage participation in fund-raising events.
The library, and the White Room with its adjacent kitchen (suitable for smaller groups as a meeting place and for birthday parties) is available for hire.